Christian Worker Dependent Grant


Corban University’s mission is “to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” We realize that many students come from families who are doing just that—and in order to recognize their service, we’re honored to provide the Christian Worker Dependent Grant as they seek to train up their sons and daughters to do the same.~

If either of your parents work as a paid employee in full-time Christian ministry, whether for a church or faith-based nonprofit organization, you might qualify for the Christian Worker Dependent Grant.

Application Process

  • Provide documentation to the Financial Aid Office verifying your parent’s employment in a Christian organization. (This might be a current website where the employee is listed, business card, pay stub, letter from your employer, or other form of verification.)


  • To be eligible for this grant, students must be the dependent of a parent employed in full-time Christian ministry or service.

Award Details

  • May not be combined with any other “affiliation” scholarship.
  • May not be combined with an athletic scholarship.
  • May be stacked with other scholarships and grants.
  • Annually renewable for four years.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Financial Aid at or 503-375-7006.


Corban University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and completed a Year-Seven Comprehensive (Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)) in 2022 for continued accreditation. The comprehensive self-study was followed by an onsite evaluation in October 2022. In February 2023, Corban received reaffirmation of its accreditation for 7 years. Corban University’s last Mid-Cycle Evaluation was fall 2018, and its Policies, Regulations and Financial Review (PRFR) was completed in fall 2021. As of our most recent evaluation, Corban University is compliant with the Standards, Policies, and Eligibility Requirements of the NWCCU.