7 Reasons why Corban’s One-Year MBA Might Be Right for You

Best Business MBA in Oregon

“Corban’s One Year MBA program is full of self-discovery and enlightenment for your personal walk with Christ. This is what sets them apart from other programs.” – Rocky Zachary, Class of 2018, MBA

A one-year MBA program might sound too good to be true. You might be thinking, “I thought MBAs take years, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and take you away from valuable time you could be spending advancing in your career.”

Well, some do.

But Corban’s one-year MBA program is designed to do none of those things. Is it intense? Sure. But it’s also affordable and designed to enhance, not hinder, the career goals you’re already pursuing.

Here are seven reasons why Corban’s one-year MBA might be the perfect next step to enrich your career and challenge your spiritual growth.

Corban’s accelerated MBA allows you to…

  1. Save time. Corban’s one-year MBA—as its name suggests—won’t take you away from your career for years at a time. Rather, it’s designed so that you can finish your degree in 12 months, all while taking one class at a time. With each course lasting an intense-but-manageable eight weeks, you can complete all your required classes in the course of a year. By focusing on one class at a time, you’ll be able to keep up with family and career obligations while gaining a quality education.
  2. Save money. Let’s face it: one of the biggest concerns people have regarding returning to school is the price tag. But with Corban’s MBA, the price—at just around $15,000—is hard to beat. The online, accelerated format of the Hoff MBA allows you to save both time and money, so you don’t have to put your passions and career on hold.
  3. Integrate your business experience with your Christian faith. It’s easy to learn about business principles. But what does it mean to conduct business in line with a biblical worldview perspective? What does the Bible have to say about leadership, management, finance reporting, and marketing? What does it mean to be a Christian in the workplace? By pursuing the one-year MBA at Corban, you’ll be challenged to tackle the spiritual side of business.

One graduate says, “Having a Christ-centered education has helped me grow personally. I think Corban does a great job of integrating faith in an applicable way in the MBA program.”

  1. Immediately apply your new skills and knowledge in your career. There’s a reason our program is designed with flexibility in mind. By offering just one class at a time, we hope to allow people to stay engaged with their career and business pursuits while earning their degree. This provides a full-time “testing ground” for you to immediately see the applications and implications of what you’re learning in your classes. In fact, we count it a “plus” if you’re pursuing work and school at the same time! This is one of the reasons this accelerated MBA works—you’re putting every lesson into practice the following day.
  2. Be enriched by faculty through spiritual and professional mentorship. The one-year MBA program is taught by faculty from Corban’s Hoff School of Business, who have an average of 23 years’ professional experience. In addition, our faculty are committed not only to your education but to your personal and spiritual well-being. They’re available for online office hours, video chatting, and personal mentorship as you learn not only from their knowledge but also their life experience and wisdom.
  3. Gain a fresh group of people to network and grow with. A common misperception of online education is that you’re on your own if you’re not studying in a traditional classroom. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Through online forums and multiple other opportunities to interact with your classmates, you’ll be challenged by perspectives that differ from your own and encouraged by other people’s experiences and insight. In addition, you’ll increase your professional connections and discover people who provide value to you long after graduation.

One graduate says, “Interaction with other students is an extremely valuable piece to online education. From managers of non-profits to construction project managers, fellow students had experiences that varied widely and were invaluable additions to the learning material. . . . I was intellectually challenged weekly in the discussion.”

  1. Deepen your analytical and problem-solving skills. Higher education is not only meant to give you knowledge, but to hone your thinking skills. While earning your MBA, you’ll gain knowledge, certainly, but you’ll also gain skills that will help you continue your learning long after you graduate, so that you can keep up with the ever-changing marketplace of ideas. Education, especially in business, is not a one-and-done deal. It’s a way of life. With Corban’s one-year MBA, you’ll be prepared to continue learning and growing in your field through quality research and a never-ending curiosity.

Learn more about the Hoff MBA today! Be sure to inquire about scholarships and other financial aid opportunities.