
Ruthie LaFreniere walks slowly through the front lobby of Schimmel Hall, guided by her sister Mary. Mary points to a picture hanging above the Welcome Desk. “I donated that to the school over 20 years ago,” she says. Progressing down the hallway, the two sisters take time to reminisce about the faces on the wall as they pass, a picture […]

Salem Free Clinics Header

“The state of mental health in Oregon is really bad, and here in Salem, it’s even worse,” says Dr. Lori Schelske, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Corban University. Throughout the city, counseling practices are full, with lengthy waiting lists Many clinicians have stopped accepting health insurance and low fees are nearly impossible to find,” Schelske says.   In the middle of this desperate climate sits Salem Free […]

Emanuel Montanez Header

“I was baffled. I did not expect it,” says Corban alum, Emanuel Montanez. A recent graduate of Corban’s online Master of Business Intelligence and Analytics (MBIA), Montanez was recently selected for major pharmaceutical company Genentech’s highly competitive Operations Rotation Development Program (ORDP).   Montanez, who also received his undergraduate degree from Corban in biomedical sciences in 2020, was one of […]


“Things are replaceable. Lives are not.” ─ Léon Simon, Remember My Name  Snippets of wisdom like this one, gleaned from the tragedy of our world’s historic past, ring out as poignantly as the opening gunshot of Joana Halpert Krauss’ award-winning play.   Remember My Name follows the story of a young Jewish girl, renamed Madeleine Petit by her father, and her struggle to survive in war-torn France during WWII. From the chaos of […]

Kijani Forestry

“Uganda used to be essentially one big forest,” says Corban alum and CEO of Kijani Forestry, Quinn Neely (‘08). Coined the “Pearl of Africa” for its verdant beauty, one hundred years ago, Uganda was comprised of around 85% forest. Today, that figure sits at just 7%.   This was the climate that Neely and his wife, Brittany, stepped […]

Papuan Alum Korwa Wanimbo Secures Coveted D.C. Internship

When Korwa Wanimbo landed in Washington, D.C., it was instant culture shock. “The first time I arrived in the airport, I was like, ‘Really?’” he remembers. “I come from a very small town and all of the sudden I was in a big city.” But the small town Korwa comes from is not your typical […]

convocation recap photo

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” — The Common Doxology, Thomas Ken With Corban’s campus finally buzzing with the energy of arriving students, the last summer air filled with the familiar noise of convocation bagpipes, […]

Susie nelson

Since her earliest memories growing up on a small family farm in Idaho, Corban’s inaugural Director of Agriculture Science, Dr. Susie Nelson, has been cultivating a passion for agriculture. “I grew up raising registered Black Angus,” she says. “Had my own little herd starting in the fifth grade.” It was a herd that was gifted […]


*Due to the nature of the work this featured alum is doing in sensitive global areas, we have removed her last name from this article. Bethany (’16) has always been a go-getter. As a child, when other kids were advocating for extended bedtimes and the elimination of broccoli, she was entering essay competitions, advocating for […]


Corban University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and completed a Year-Seven Comprehensive (Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)) in 2022 for continued accreditation. The comprehensive self-study was followed by an onsite evaluation in October 2022. In February 2023, Corban received reaffirmation of its accreditation for 7 years. Corban University’s last Mid-Cycle Evaluation was fall 2018, and its Policies, Regulations and Financial Review (PRFR) was completed in fall 2021. As of our most recent evaluation, Corban University is compliant with the Standards, Policies, and Eligibility Requirements of the NWCCU.