Emily Jacobsen

Current Role
Maxim Healthcare Services

Management and Marketing, 2015

What’s one thing that surprised you about Corban?

The teachers truly cared about you as a person and your career path.

What about Corban specifically prepared you for this next step in your journey?

The Resume work shops and mock interviews truly gave me a head start into my career. When I was a freshman at Corban, I was taught how to make a resume and cover letter. We also had multiple mock interviews and internships throughout the years. By the time I was a senior in College I was looking over the new freshmen resumes and was the one mock interviewing them. At the time, I had no idea that I was going to have a career in Recruitment but God always has a perfect plan; Corban just helped prepare me for what God had in store.

What’s one thing you would want to tell someone starting their journey at Corban?

Take every opportunity to learn from your professors. If they are hosting an event, go. If they are having a networking opportunity, go. If they are offering an extra credit project, do it. If an internship opportunity presents itself, go for it. Take the time to invest in your future now, as it will get you far in the long run.

Who is one professor who had a strong influence on your development? Can you give an example?

Kelli Gassman was a huge mentor to me and she still is today. She always challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and taught me that the sky is the limit. She taught me life skills that no one had before and she truly prepared me for the workforce. I had minimal confidence in myself and my knowledge in business as a freshman, but graduating as a senior I felt proud and ready to enter the work force. I am where I am today because of her influence. Thank you, Kelli.

How were faith, leadership, and ethics woven into your courses? How did those elements prepare you for life, regardless of where you work?

I was taught how to do business the right way—how to combine my ethics with business. I didn’t have to separate the two. I can be a successful businesswoman and still be about the people. I can be kind but still stand up for myself. I can say No and ask for a Merit Increase without being disrespectful. They should seem like little things but they aren’t. They are huge things that make a huge difference in the work force.


Corban University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and completed a Year-Seven Comprehensive (Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)) in 2022 for continued accreditation. The comprehensive self-study was followed by an onsite evaluation in October 2022. In February 2023, Corban received reaffirmation of its accreditation for 7 years. Corban University’s last Mid-Cycle Evaluation was fall 2018, and its Policies, Regulations and Financial Review (PRFR) was completed in fall 2021. As of our most recent evaluation, Corban University is compliant with the Standards, Policies, and Eligibility Requirements of the NWCCU.