Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault Policy

It is the policy of Corban that employees and students have the right to work and study in an environment free of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or physical disability (I Peter 2:17, James 2:1). As followers of Christ, we are commanded to respect everyone (1 Peter 2:17); avoid favoritism (James 2:1); and act with humility (Philippians 2:3). While discrimination or harassment may take many forms and determination of what constitutes a violation will vary according to the particular circumstances, there is no place at Corban for conduct that diminishes or abuses others. A violation of this policy by a member of the University community may lead to disciplinary action, including but not limited to written or verbal reprimand; additional required training or counseling; suspension; expulsion; or termination.

Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment includes any action or conduct that threatens or insinuates, either explicitly or implicitly, that an associate’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the associate’s continued employment, compensation, performance evaluations, advancements, assigned duties, or any other term or conditions of employment. In addition, sexual harassment includes unwelcomed verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that demeans the dignity of an associate through insulting, intimidating, or degrading sexual remarks or conduct, or which has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or otherwise creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment may include a range of subtle or not so subtle behaviors and may involve individuals of the same or different gender. Depending on the circumstances, these behaviors may include, but are not limited to : unwanted sexual advances or request for sexual favors; sexual jokes and innuendos, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, commentary about an individual’s body, leering, catcalls or touching; obscene comments or gestures; display or circulation in the workplace of sexual suggestive objects or pictures (including through e-mail or other electronic or mobile devices); and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Sexual Assault: Unwanted Conduct of a sexual nature that is inflicted upon a person or compelled through the use of physical force, manipulation, threat or intimidation.

Prohibited Conduct:

This policy prohibits conduct based on an individual’s protected class status. Although by no means all-inclusive, the following examples represent prohibited behavior:

• Physical Harassment, including but not limited to unwelcome physical contact such as touching, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference with work;

• Verbal harassment, including but not limited to disparaging or disrespectful comments, jokes, slurs, innuendoes, teasing, and other sexual talk such as jokes, personal inquiries, persistent unwanted courting and derogatory insults;

• Nonverbal harassment, including but not limited to suggestive or insulting sounds, obscene gestures, leering or whistling;

• Visual harassment, including but not limited to displays of explicit or offensive calendars, circulation of derogatory content, posters, pictures, drawings or cartoons that reflect disparagingly upon a class of persons or a particular person;

• Sexual harassment, as described above, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, request for favors in exchange for conduct of a sexual nature, submission to unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in exchange for a term of employment, or other conduct of a sexual nature.

Emergency Reporting Procedure

If you were recently the victim of a sexual assault, you should seek medical help immediately. If desired, hospital personnel will assist you in contacting the appropriate law enforcement agencies. University personnel will gladly accompany you to provide support. It is best if you go to the hospital without showering and in possession of the unlaundered clothes you were wearing when the assault took place. You should be aware that hospital personnel are required by law to file an official report with or without the consent of persons under age 18.

Non-Emergency Reporting Procedure

If you experience any type of harassment or discrimination you may speak to an Ombudsperson or take the steps below. The University will not tolerate retaliation of any kind against you based upon your allegations regarding harassment or discrimination.

If you may do so safely, address the problem yourself. Inform the offending person that his or her behavior is unwelcome, offensive, or inappropriate. You may do this one-on-one or in the company of a trusted friend or colleague. Tell the offender to stop the behavior and do so without apologizing. State how the behavior is affecting you but do not engage in a lengthy conversation about it (you do not have to convince the offender and the offender does not have to agree with you). Or, if approaching the offender feels unsafe or awkward, write a letter. Either way, clearly communicate what the offending behavior is, tell the offender that it has to stop, and outline what you would like to happen now (see attachment A at the end of this handbook). If the problem is resolved satisfactorily, no further action may be necessary.

Seeking Help. If you are unable to resolve the problem as above, you should inform University personnel of your complaint. This should be done as soon as possible after the incident.

If you are a student, you may meet directly with the Dean of Students or you may tell your program chair, academic advisor, or dean and have him or her pass the information along.

If you are an employee, you may report to your supervisor. If for any reason you do not wish to report to your immediate supervisor, you may report to any other employee working in a supervisory capacity, including the supervisor of your immediate superior.

You should be informed that any University employee advised of discrimination, harassment, or assault is required to immediately report this information to specific University personnel, including the President (or an individual designated by the President) and the Director of Security. If you are uncertain whether to report to an employee or supervisor, you may wish to consult with an Ombudsperson (see above).

For more information see Student Life or Employee Handbooks.

Resources for students based on the Salem campus:

Campus Safety can be reached at 503-510-6430 24 hours/day.

Both men and women may contact the 24 hour hotline at the Mid-Valley Women s Crisis Center: 503.399.7722. Information is also available on their website: www.mvwcs.com.

You may also contact the Salem Police. Their non-emergency number is 503.588.6123.


Corban University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and completed a Year-Seven Comprehensive (Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)) in 2022 for continued accreditation. The comprehensive self-study was followed by an onsite evaluation in October 2022. In February 2023, Corban received reaffirmation of its accreditation for 7 years. Corban University’s last Mid-Cycle Evaluation was fall 2018, and its Policies, Regulations and Financial Review (PRFR) was completed in fall 2021. As of our most recent evaluation, Corban University is compliant with the Standards, Policies, and Eligibility Requirements of the NWCCU.