Hoff School of Business Set to Host Virtual Summit Event for Business Students and Alumni

On Thursday, February 18, at 7:00pm, Hoff School of Business will be holding their annual Summit event. Each year, this event is designed to promote and foster critical thinking, career planning, and servant leadership for Corban students and alumni. In a typical year, Summit is a time for new students to discover more about the Hoff School of Business, and for current business majors to interact and connect with fellow students, business professors, and business alumni.
As with most recent events, this year’s Summit, hosted and put on by the student-led Hoff School of Business Association (HSBA), will be held virtually via Zoom. “We still wanted to have something that will bring everyone together,” said HSBA President, Jeremy Hale. “Even though we can’t be together in the same way, in table groups, we can still learn together and show that we’re still active. Even in such a crazy year, the world of business keeps going.”
This virtual event will be available to all current business majors, MBA and MBIA students, Hoff School of Business alumni, and Corban undergraduate students.
This year’s event will feature speakers such as University President, Dr. Sheldon Nord; Professor of Accounting and Director of the MBA program, Dr. Bryce Bernard; and keynote speaker and current President and CEO of Manna Development Group, Paul Saber. Saber brings a wealth of business experience to the table as the former Senior Vice President of the McDonald’s Corporation, and former COO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Currently, Saber’s Manna Development Group oversees the majority of the Panera Bread franchises in the Western United States.
“This year, we really wanted to focus on that aspect of being a Christian leader in business and being a reflection of Christ in the business world through servant leadership,” said HSBA Vice President, Sophie Mansour. “I’m excited that we can actually do this, even though it’s over Zoom. I think Mr. Saber is going to have a lot of great wisdom and advice for students entering the workforce, and we’re so thankful that he’s willing to speak at Summit.”
Saber plans to address the crucial topic of faith and business integration, sharing from the wisdom of his experience as an outspoken Christian leader in high profile positions. “We have to put Him first in all things,” Saber said. “But often we remove what is right for what feels safe and justify the safe choice as the right choice. We tiptoe into the water of our faith instead of being bold. I think the first thing business leaders need to do is to commit upfront that they’re going to look for ways to fund ministry and to prioritize that immediately.”
Corban students and alumni will also benefit from an expanded question and answer time with Mr. Saber as a part of the event. Saber is excited for the opportunity to engage with the future of the business and faith community, emphasizing the value of biblically-minded education in today’s world. “Christian collegiate education is invaluable,” he said. “The longer we can keep our kids in environments where foundational truths are being built upon each other, precept upon precept, the greater chance that they are going to be faithful in the workplace. It’s not protection. It’s preparation.”
This Summit event will be available to all current business majors, MBA and MBIA students, Hoff School of Business alumni, and Corban undergraduate students.