Tuition & Aid

Tuition & Aid

A private college education may be more affordable than you think! Tuition at Corban University is $37,172 for full-time (12-18 credits) traditional undergraduate students in the 2024-25 school year. With room, board, activities, and required fees combined, total cost of attendance is $50,364 before financial aid. But don’t get stuck on the sticker price! This cost is not what most students pay. Every new student will receive at least an $9,000 academic scholarship and may be eligible for other scholarships and grants.

Compared to public universities, private universities offer more financial aid, including three times the amount of institutional grants. In fact, we give away over $15 million in Corban scholarships and grants each year! Plus, 88% of Corban graduates earn their degree in just four years (compared to 60% at state schools), so you can graduate on time, save on tuition, and get started on your career.

College Scorecards in the U.S. Department of Educations College Affordability and Transparency Center make it easier for you to search for a college that is a good fit for you. You can use the College Scorecard to find out more about a colleges affordability and value so you can make more informed decisions about which college to attend.



The calculator provides an early estimate of how much aid you may qualify for. However, the accuracy of this calculator is not guaranteed. It is in your best interest to wait until actual financial aid amounts are offered before making a decision about where you attend.


Maximize your college resources and minimize student debt. Corban is the first college in Oregon to participate in the SAGE Scholars Tuition Rewards, a free college savings program.


College Scorecards in the U.S. Department of Educations College Affordability and Transparency Center make it easier for you to search for a college that is a good fit for you. You can use the College Scorecard to find out more about a colleges affordability and value so you can make more informed decisions about which college to attend. This site also contains the latest student loan default rates.

Can I afford a Corban education?

We’re here to tell you that you can—and we’ll help you along the way. We’ll walk you through the major questions you might have about a Corban education:

  • What is the value of a Corban education?
  • What does it cost me?
  • What steps can I take to make a Corban education more affordable?

What is the value of a Corban education?

At Corban, you’ll be equipped to bring competence to your career and character to your community, all to the glory of Jesus Christ. You’ll be surrounded by a supporting, caring community and guided by Christian staff and faculty in an environment designed to foster your academic, personal, and spiritual growth. You’ll graduate with:

  • An accredited degree in your field
  • Hands-on experience and competence in your career
  • Mentors and relationships for life
  • A supportive, caring Christian community

What does a Corban education cost me?

2024-2025 Traditional Undergraduate Costs

  • Tuition: $37,172 (12-18 Credits)
  • Housing: $6,546 (with lowest priced housing option)
  • Food: $ 5,514 (with largest meal plan)

Student Fees: $1,062 (covers events, services, laundry, intramurals, technology, and security)
Counseling Services Fee: $70
Parking permit fee: $70

Estimated Additional Costs of Attendance Not Paid to Corban:

Books and Supplies: $1,000
Transportation: $1,500
Personal Expenses: $2,500


What steps can I take to make a Corban education affordable?

  1. Apply to Corban University – One of the most significant sources of funding you can receive is institutional aid, and many of these scholarships and grants are awarded automatically when you apply. Submitting your completed application to Corban is the best way to learn exactly what Corban can offer you. Apply to Corban now.
  2. Apply for Institutional Scholarships – While some Corban scholarships are awarded automatically (such as academic scholarships), others require an application. Check to make sure you’ve applied for every scholarship for which you might qualify. View Corban Scholarships and Awards.
  3. Submit your FAFSA – Many state and federal grants are awarded “first-come, first-served,” so be sure to fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible after December 1. The FAFSA will help determine state and federal grants as well as federal loans. In addition, Corban uses the FAFSA to help determine the awarding of Corban grants.
  4. Apply for Outside Scholarships – Hundreds of Corban students have received additional funds from private scholarships.

Begin by searching for scholarships awarded at the local, state, and regional level, including those awarded based on special hobbies, interests, life circumstances, or affiliations. The fewer people who qualify for a given scholarship, the better your chances!

Last year, students earned $816,000 in outside scholarships!

  1. Utilize these resources to help you plan ahead!
  • College Scorecard
    • College Scorecards in the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Center make it easier for you to search for a college that is a good fit for you. You can use the College Scorecard to find out more about a college’s affordability and value so you can make more informed decisions about which college to attend.
  • Net Price Calculator
    • The Net Price Calculator provides an early estimate of how much aid you may qualify for. However, we recommend waiting until you receive your actual financial aid award offers before making a decision about where you attend.
  • Sage Scholar Tuition Rewards
    • Corban is the first college in Oregon to participate in SAGE Scholars, a free college savings program. Use your investments to earn money toward college.
  1. Still have questions? Reach out to your admissions counselor, who can walk you through options and resources.

88% of Corban graduates earn their degree in just 4 years. Only 60% do at four-year state institutions. Graduate in 4 years (or less!) and start earning sooner.


We are here to help. If you have any questions about tuition and financial aid. Give us a call.


Corban University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and completed a Year-Seven Comprehensive (Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)) in 2022 for continued accreditation. The comprehensive self-study was followed by an onsite evaluation in October 2022. In February 2023, Corban received reaffirmation of its accreditation for 7 years. Corban University’s last Mid-Cycle Evaluation was fall 2018, and its Policies, Regulations and Financial Review (PRFR) was completed in fall 2021. As of our most recent evaluation, Corban University is compliant with the Standards, Policies, and Eligibility Requirements of the NWCCU.