TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) training provides a practical, certified job skill for future cross-cultural workers in ministry, education, or business.
As God’s servants, if we desire to use English language instruction as a bridge to relationships, or as an entrance strategy to a country, or in any sort of service, it is crucial to have a grasp of how languages work and are acquired.
Whether you choose a TESOL concentration as an intercultural studies major or add a TESOL minor to any other undergraduate major, you’ll gain instruction and practice in teaching methods for language proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Unlike ESOL certification for future teachers in American classrooms who must work to assimilate English language learners, the TESOL approach focuses on teaching English as a practical and professional skill for students who are looking for international ministry opportunities.
With TESOL certification, you’ll be prepared to serve internationally as an English language teacher and will have more access to enter countries closed to traditional missionaries.
You’ll take core ministry courses that give you a strong foundation of Bible and theology studies, combined with intercultural studies that help develop your understanding of and ability to connect with people of diverse cultures. Courses you may take include:
- Theology of Ministry
- Cultural Anthropology
- Language & Culture Acquisition
- Intercultural Communication
- Ministering Cross-Culturally
- Teaching the Bible
- Missional Living
- Social Justice in Global Context
- Nature & Structure of the English Language
- Instructional Alignment
Learn what courses you’ll need to complete your Intercultural Studies: TESOL degree.
A TESOL minor can also be combined with any major at Corban University.
Learn more about all you can expect as a student in Corban’s School of Ministry.